Terms & Conditions

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This site may contain proprietary information and copyright protected information of other companies. ChemtronGAS feels obliged to always comply with their terms and conditions for using any proprietary information and copyright protected information from other companies.

The information on this website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Data may be subject to change or update without notice.

ChemtronGAS may improve and / or change the product and / or the information in any project at any time, without notice. ChemtronGAS will not collect your confidential or proprietary information via this website, but may ask you to provide certain information.

Please note that any information or data sent to ChemtronGAS will be regarded as non-confidential. For further information please read our Privacy Protection statement.

Some information posted by ChemtronGAS in this website may contain products, services, or events which are not supported in your country or region. Such a reference does not imply that ChemtronGAS plans to release such products, applications or services in your country or region. Please contact ChemtronGAS or your local distributor, and ask for support regarding relevant products, programs and services in your country or region.

If you receive products or services from ChemtronGAS which are not based on any agreement and are not listed on this website, there is no implied warranty and the use of products or services is at your own risk.

ChemtronGAS cannot be held liable for any content that is provided by other websites, which can be found in the Link section of this website, or are otherwise linked to on this website. If you encounter a website which is not a proprietary website of ChemtronGAS even though it contains a logo of ChemtronGAS or its proprietary brands, ChemtronGAS cannot control the content of this website and cannot be held liable for the content. In addition, if there is a Link on this website to another website containing content about ChemtronGAS products and services, ChemtronGAS cannot be held liable for its content.

The user of this website is responsible for taking preventive measures towards viruses, worms, and other potentially hazardous malware. ChemtronGAS cannot be held liable in case the user receive any viruses, worms, or other potentially hazardous malware, even if it is originated in the content of this website.

ChemtronGAS cannot be made liable for any loss of profits, business interruption, disruption of the user's information handling system or other data loss, even if the origin can be traced back to the content of this website or the programming of this website, and even if ChemtronGAS is aware of the possibilites of such damage.


  • ChemTron GAS
  • E-mail: info@chemtronsci.com
  • info@chemtronsci.com

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